Monday it goes back into the shop. I spent countless hours on the internet looking for a new signal switch for my car. Wouldn''t have been hard if it didn't have the tilt steering wheel. Anyway, Red Rock (the guys that work on my car) found the right part. So, I'm gonna have signals AND a tilting steering wheel. I would have settled for no tilting, except that every time you bumped the signal lever it messed with the switch, and eventually broke it. Bummer. This way I get it closer to original anyways. I also talked to the vinyl roof guys, they said that they should be able to put on the new top next week. I discovered another thing about my car, seems there was an early version and a late model year version. I'm not sure which one mine is, but I had to measure the car from the top of the windshield to the bottom of the back window so they could make the right roof for it. I'll have to get the details from the guy when I bring it down there. So, by next weekend it should be in lookin' great, running great and even able to pass inspection. Yeah!